Family Friendly Staycations

Simply because summer has packed her duffle bag and flown south for the winter, there is no reason to believe that the holiday season is over. As sweater weather lands in the UK, there’s never been a better time to explore our beautiful country.

Home is Where the Holiday is

If children have taught us anything, it’s that fun and adventure can be found any place – no requirement to hurry off to pricey attractions or on long-haul flights to discover new things. Swerving the queues at the airport in favour of a family friendly holiday closer to home is not a compromise. England has so much to offer and a pub staycation is all about low-key, zero-pressure relaxing. It’s all about revelling in the wonderful feeling of having absolutely nowhere to be. No timeframes or strict parameters, no rushing whatsoever. Even nap time can go frivolously out the window.

Tis the Season

Autumn is the best time of year for adventure and exploration; collecting conkers, splashing in puddles (best paired with wellies)

Dodging the rains howers by ducking into the bar by the fireside and getting toasty with a hot chocolate (for the little ones) and a bottle of Malbec (for the grown-ups)

Hearty seasonal food designed to satisfy your family and pleasantly warm your cockles.

Food Glorious Food

Holiday mealtimes are occasions with a dress code. Children finally wearing the lovely things their grandparents bought, before they swiftly grow out of them. Slipping into your Sunday best for an early candlelit dinner in the restaurant. Dog at your feet. Family time spent selecting exciting new foods to try, sometimes successfully, sometimes not, but always an experience. Making memories.

Adventure at Every Turn

Taking the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of your children. A walk along the Mall, seeing where the King lives is monumental. Holding hands on a walk down Regent Street, staring at the Christmas lights is magical. Examining every leaf they thrust under your nose and cowering in fear at their menacing stick swords. How fantastic to wander with nowhere to be?

And so to bed – happily tired after a day of exploring. Sleepover den escapades for the little ones, whilst you luxuriate in a cool, clean super king with all those extra pillows ….oh, and no alarm for the next day. Bliss.

So, it seems that all you need is an overnight bag and a spot of bravery. Throw in your chunky knitwear, scoop up an armful of toys for good measure – oh, and don’t forget the wellies.

Six Nations

Rally your squad and scrum on down – secure your spot for all the 6 Nations action.

Scrum on down